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Meg Bed

Size 1 (18” x 18”) 46 cm x 46 cm

This size is ideal for cats or small toy breeds. These beds are light and easy to clean and can be purchased in a variety of colours with optional plush covers, which are fully machine washable. Please email or telephone us to order.

Price : £50.00

Size 2 (20” x 24”) 51 cm x 61 cm

This size is suitable for the larger of the toy breeds. They are light and easy to clean making them hygienic and can be purchased in a variety of colours with optional plush covers, which are fully machine washable. Please email or telephone us to order.

Price : £55.00

Size 3 (24” x 28”) 61 cm x 71 cm

This size is ideal for smaller breeds such as terriers, French Bulldogs and Schnauzers. These beds are light and easy to clean and can be purchased in a variety of colours with optional plush covers which are fully machine washable. Please email or telephone us to order.

Price : £65.00

Size 4 (28” x 34”) 71 cm x 86 cm

This size is suited to Labradors and medium size breeds. To clean wipe with a damp cloth as beds are water resistant. Fleece covers also available for extra comfort.

Price : £70.00

Size 5 (32” x 40”) 81 cm x 102 cm

The size five bed suits the larger dog up to a German Shepherd size, this popular size, one of our best sellers available in many colours. Please email or telephone us for further details.

Price : £80.00

Size 6 (40” x 48”) 102 cm x 122 cm

As you can see the very largest of breeds are comfortable in the size 6, Additional furry and fleece covers for the larger bed can also be purchased. Contact us for more info.

Price : £95.00